Phylogenetic tree

The autosomal SNPs were pruned with “--indep-pairwise 50 10 0.2” by PLINK version 1.90. Three maximum-likelihood (ML) tree was constructed using FastTree of HPC tools. The results were visualized using phylogeny.IO.

The phylogenetic tree has several interactive functions to assist viewing by user.
① User can zoom and pan around the tree using trackpad or mouse.
② Clicking on a branch/leaf/tip: show sample information and the representative population image. Clicking image can jump to the corresponding Population page.
③ Double-clicking on a node collapses or expands a clade.
④ Hovering over a node displays additional information.
⑤ User can adjust sliders to change the relative length of the branches and the spacing between them.
⑥ The selected node also remains the frame of reference when sliders or other geometries are adjusted.